Hi All,
It may come as no surprise that I am disappointed with this week's election results. I respect that it didn’t go the way I wanted. My hope is that it is not a reflection of what is truly in the hearts of those who opposed my candidate, but rather points out the fear for their particular situation and not that they are hateful and see others as less than or worse, not even worthy of kindness. However, admittedly, it would be naive of me to think that there wasn’t a percentage of individuals who do feel superior and want to limit others’ rights. So, what am I going to do with the jumble of feelings I have?
As a result, I’ve been giving a lot of thought over the last few days as to how to turn pain and fear into an act of constructive defiance, not destructive. I want this moment to be a catalyst for me to do even more to advocate for the issues and communities I care about.
But first, I am going to breathe, assess and nurture. I will breathe deeply when moments of dismay and panic set in. I will breathe in for 4, hold for 7 and breathe out for 8. This helps to move me from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. In other words, panic to calm, despair to determination. Try it, it works!
I am going to go outside and if possible put my feet into some sand or on some grass (yes, even if it is cold), to ground myself. And be grateful for this world.
I am going to reach out to a friend and tell them I love them and that they are not alone if they are feeling scared.
I am going to tell my kids, I am your safe space ALWAYS! I will never abandon you.
Then, I am putting an action into place. How can I help? What can I do today, in my community to help those feeling despondent? Because, that is what I can control right now. I already volunteer at one non profit, but can I do more? The answer is YES!
So I will take the time to settle, take control of what I can control, and then I will look up and around to see what more I can do to help those who are feeling very vulnerable right now and need to know they have advocates who honestly care. It is time for all of us to Walk the Walk.
My favorite quote is by Bishop Desmond Tutu, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world”
Say it outloud, “I am not helpless or at the mercy of anyone. I am strong and capable of making a positive difference for others.” Because you are. Many of you may do so already and you are the change we need in the world.
Sending so much love and light to all,