Hope everyone is well. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day is traditionally about honoring the one you love and to celebrate your relationship. Over the years things have taken a shift, we now also have Galentine’s Day, thank you Parks and Rec (Season 2 Episode 16), which is celebrated on February 13. I tried to find if there is a Malentine’s day and alas, although it has been talked about and analyzed, it just hasn’t taken off like Galentine’s. And, come to find out neither has Self Love Day, which apparently is also February 13th too, who knew? Not me.
Being a Reiki practitioner, my belief is everyday should be Self Love day. I have read and read about how loving yourself can bring about incredible shifts in your life. And when I embody the affirmation, "I love me", life does seem to go in a more positive path. I feel better, I’m happier, and I’m just better. The reality is, boy does it sounds good, but it is really hard to incorporate. Especially when everywhere I turn there is an advertisement telling me to lose weight, get rid of my fine lines and wrinkles, and how dare I say, “I love Me”, because society has told me that it would be so egotistical to do.
But, as hard as it is, I am practicing self-love. I look in a mirror tell myself, “I love you”. It felt so fake at first, but after a time of doing this everyday, I started to believe it, at least on most days. But, self love is not just saying it. You know the quote “don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk”. So, for me the difficult things are eating healthier, exercising, and trying to be a good steward of Me! After all, I deserve it.
Turns out when you love yourself it is easier to take care of yourself.
A thought, on this Valentine’s Day, when you love someone else you want to take care of them and do everything you can to encourage their health. So, on Self Love day, start or keep doing the same for you. My challenge to everyone. Look at yourself in the mirror and say something nice to the person looking back at you. Even if it is just to say, “Hey there, you got this and you are doing great!” ,“You are loved”, or “You look Good!”
Sending good thoughts to you and yours,